Write down these tips for very fine hair

If you have very fine hair, you will find some problems you are trying to solve. One of the first things we need to see is that the hair is well cared for, and based on that, the volume will be as follows, for a type of hair like the one mentioned.

Well, these details and much more will be what this space occupies us today. So you can be even more proud of your hair. Every step we take in your care will count, so we will have to do it with caution. Do you want to know much more?

A good cut is the beginning of the volume

It’s one of the steps to start with when you want your hair to look fuller than usual. Because since we are talking about very fine hair, we know that it does not have volume. So if we give it a little bit, we will notice how it changes a lot. Hence, first of all, we must bet on a layered haircut. Since it will enhance our purpose.  

Dry shampoo

We already have the haircut, but if we want to continue to maintain that volume every day, we must always give small tricks to adults. One is to apply dry shampoo. Because as we know, very fine hair can look a bit dirty without being it. Hence, if you do not want to have to wash it excessively, nothing like this infallible bet, which many famous people already follow. A little about the roots, we comb, and you will see the change.

Always choose the shampoo and conditioner for your hair type

There are indeed many brands and ideas that we have in the market, but without a doubt, there is a step that we can never take back. Hence, both the shampoo and the conditioner have to be special for our hair type. More than anything because only they will have the most suitable formula for care and above all, to give it volume, which is what we need. So choose specific products!

Detangles with fingers

Because it is a much more sensitive type of hair, and this will make it break more easily. So when we wash it, and a knot appears, then we should not pass the comb directly. Otherwise, we could make a mess. It is best to undo it with your fingers, even if it does not take a bit longer. We will then pass the comb as usual, always avoiding pulling, not to punish it more.

Dry it upside down

It is one of those most repeated tricks for very fine hair. After washing and combing it, we go to the moment of drying. If you want to go for a bit of volume, then you will have to blow dry. But in what way? Well, throwing your head down. Since only with this gesture, we will be providing that volume that we mention so much. We hollow out a bit at the roots and let the hot air do the rest.

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